Heal Your Body Naturally
Reparative therapy involves the use of special cells to treat joint conditions. These unique cells have the ability to mimic the cells around the space in which they are exposed. If these cells are planted into an area that is injured, like a knee or elbow, the special cells can mimic the other cells and help accelerate the healing process. They are especially powerful in non-invasive reparative therapies for joints and muscles. Why go under the knife if you can heal faster without the dangers of surgery?
The most common type of reparative therapy we do at Discover Optimal Health uses cells within your own bone marrow. This process involves viable reparative cells being obtained from the patient's own bone marrow. This procedure takes 10 minutes to do using an FDA approved device. This is the standard for reparative medicine. Compliant to use in the United States this therapy shows significant promise in regard to treating joint conditions, and it is especially effective in treating spine pain. Our cell injections can be implemented to reduce pain and rebuild injured joints, bones or muscles.
Reparative cell injection treatments are extremely safe and very effective when treating orthopedic ailments and injuries. In addition to repairing broken tissue, reparative cell injections lubricate joints to prevent further injury. They also promote new cartilage growth for long-term repairs.
Discover Optimal Healthcare prides itself on being pioneers in the health and wellness industry. Contact our office to receive more information on how stem cells can improve your health.